In operation since 1994, PARC Scientific (Pty) offers extensive knowledge and experiences with specialist consultation in radiation protection. While all aspects of radiation risks will be considered, a specific function is the analysis and assessment of any radon related risk.
Rehabilitation of historical mining activities e.g. tailings dams and mine dumps renders the underlying land available for residential development and human population. The process requires a regulatory clearance certificate, sometimes colloquially known as a radon certificate or radon license, confirming the radiological safety of the site to future inhabitants. PARC Scientific performs site safety assessments with specific reference to the radon and external radiation pathways.
PARC Scientific has been extensively involved in the assessment of the radiological hazard posed to workers and members of the public by mining operations in South Africa, developing several methods and procedures for this purpose. All of the procedures and services offered have been approved by the regulatory body, the National Nuclear Regulator of South Africa.
PARC Scientific offers a number of specialist services with regard to radiological safety assessment. Safety assessment is legally required from all operations where radioactive materials are processed and must include assessment of the hazard to both workers and the public.